How to determine the significance of life?

 Firstly, want to discuss the word significance, that means the quality of being important. It implies a quality or character that show mark a thing as important but that is not self evident and may or may not be recognized. "Having a life of significance can means alot of things to many of us, but to me living a significance life means a life that touches as many people as possible in positive ways".

Let's start How can we determine the significance of life.....

What i want

Every human being wants a life where he can get all kind of comforts, conveniences and peace but in todays world no one has these three things. Somewhere or other there is a lack in everyone's life no matter what even if.To determine the significance of life it is most to determine what you want.

The people around you

The people around us in our lives are very important. If they want your success they are always a part of your success, they always motivate you about the significance of progress in life but if not, you will always be drag towards a loss by the hands of your own circle in which people call themselves your well wishers.

Facing mistakes

When you make a mistake, do you think that it is all over now or you try to correct it? If you struggle to correct your mistakes than you surely know the purpose and significance of your life which does not end with making mistakes. Life is often very good, nothing bad happens but when you get to a stage in life where you start to understand everything begins to be understood and then you afraid of losing people and we should acknowledge this instead of being afraid of them.

What things brings you joy

We always want everything to be as we think it is as we makeup our mind and if it doesn't happen then we loses our hope and courage and doesn't do it again while we should avoid it because it is a sign of weakness. So when you accept yourself the way you are the world recognizes you. It all starts from within. When we learn from our failures we can move forward in our lives and those who work hard only for the elimination of their mistakes can bring happiness in their lives.

"A person can do eveything if his spirits are high"......

Always empower others

" The words have power to heal the soul"

Always create a quest to move forward in . Never look down on anyone this act also awaken a quest in you that will make you realize the significance of life. If a person has this quality he will never be disgraced because if somone does not wants evil of others nature doen't wants his evil. Every great man has great thoughts no matter in what sense he is great but in my opinion a great man is one whose standard of thinking is great. Who wants to see others also succeed alongwith him and doesn't have jealousy factor.

Always put purpose before goals

Always set goals because without goals life is meaningless, without these we doesn't know the significance of life. It includes everything that you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, morals, destination, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction and also create meaning of life. For some people purposes are very important in their lives and i am damn sure that these kind of people get success in their every step of life.

Having true identity

Your identity is made up of your beliefs and on the manners how much you act on those beliefs. This identity affects the way you live your life, how you react to your community and the people living in your environment, the way you approach your relationships. It also affects your values, actions, goals and plans you have for your life. Having a strong identity always attracts people towards you and this adjective always benefits your life.

All these things that i have mentioned in my writing, if found in a human being there is no doubt that he knows the purpose and significance of his life and the ways to live and enjoy it.......!


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