Honey and its Advantages to use
As we all know honey is a sweet, viscous, yellowish brown fluid that is made up by honey bees and other insects by the collection of nectar from different flowers . Honey is hygroscopic in nature and may absorb humidity and water when expose to atmosphere.
The major components of honey are Fructose, Glucose and Water and all of these are healthy components that are body needs. Fructose and glucose are simple sugars that can be easily broken and absorb by our body as compare to disaccharide sugars and all of we are well acquainted by importance of water.
Nutrients that honey contain:
Honey has a variety of positive nutritional and health effects. Honey is a high carbohydrate food. As we know that its major components are fructose and glucose. In addition to these components it also contains small amount of proteins, enzymes, trace elements, vitamins, aroma compounds, poly phenol and all these are necessary for our body and by taking of honey we can get them collectively.
Difference between pure and impure honey:
We can find it very easily whether the honey is pure or not. The procedure from which we can find it is quite easy but it depends on you whether you wants to know or not. So the procedure is when you adds pure honey in a glass of water at room temperature does not dissolve and its strands settle down at the bottom without making bubbles and in contrast to this the impure honey will dissolve and bubbles appear by making the water condense continuously. Another way to know it and i think the best way to know the difference in which yo don't have to work hard means automatically you came to know the difference. If the honey is pure it will remain in its original state for a long time and will not be crystallize and if it is impure it will not remain in its real state and will become liquid after sometime, and crystallization will also appear. So these are the tips and techniques to recognize the difference between them and the rest is up to you to decide what you like.
Why should we use honey?:
There are countless benefits of using honey and the best reason that why we use it is when it is stored properly honey never goes bad. Honey will darken but it is still safe to eat or use so i think it is the best and positive point of honey that it can be used after a time. Honey is the blessing of Allah created by a natural process in which there is cure for many diseases.
The use of honey will:
* Improve your heart health
* Help in suppressing cough specially of children
* Promote burn and wound healing process
* Honey can be easily added to our normal routine diet
* Good for diabetic patient rather than white sugar
* Honey have number of antioxidants and as we know antioxidants can prevent cell damage caused by
free radicals
* it also has many skin benefits like glows our skin, lighten scars, best moisturizer for skin, fights acne
against acne and pimples and many more.
* The best and attractive advantage of using honey is that it reverses age but if we use it properly in our
daily routine diet. And all of us wants to look younger than our ages specially ladies.
As you know, nowadays people are spending their money on artificial items instead of using natural foods with unlimited benefits of it. We should use natural foods such like honey is being considered as a natural therapeutic agent for many medicinal purposes. Based on these advantages honey is now highly recommended to use for health. Now it is upto you that the thing you are purchasing, but if you spent your money on natural items than you are very much health conscious.
Informative ❣️