Honey and its Advantages to use
Honey As we all know honey is a sweet, viscous, yellowish brown fluid that is made up by honey bees and other insects by the collection of nectar from different flowers . Honey is hygroscopic in nature and may absorb humidity and water when expose to atmosphere. Composition The major components of honey are Fructose, Glucose and Water and all of these are healthy components that are body needs. Fructose and glucose are simple sugars that can be easily broken and absorb by our body as compare to disaccharide sugars and all of we are well acquainted by importance of water. Nutrients that honey contain: Honey has a variety of positive nutritional and health effects. Honey is a high carbohydrate food. As we know that its major components are fructose and glucose. In addition to these components it also contains small amount of proteins, enzymes, trace elements, vitamins, aroma compounds, poly phenol and all these are necessary for our body and by taking of honey we can get them collec...